šŸŽµThe financial security that pensions bring is one of our favorite things…šŸŽµ

Itā€™s one of the most exciting times of the year! Each year for Valentineā€™s Day, we ask retired public employees to share why they love their pensions.Ā 

And while Valentineā€™s Day may have been a bit different this year, one thing has remained the same. Retirees told us that they still depend on their pensions to retire with security and dignity.Ā 

Weā€™ve compiled some of their responses below.Ā 

I love my pension because it has been a lifeline through the COVID pandemic. -Joanne B.Ā 

My pension allowed me to continue living in security during the pandemic! -Lydia E.Ā 

I love my pension because I donā€™t have to worry about paying my bills or putting food on the table. I worked over 40 years contributing every paycheck and I deserve to reap the benefits now in retirement. -Nancy R.Ā 

I love my pension because it gives me the needed peace of mind in retirement. When I combine it with savings and social security I feel I can enjoy my life without financial worries. -Maria M.Ā 

My pension allows me to volunteer and give back to the communityā£ļø -Paula G.Ā 

My pension allows me to survive financially as a retiree. -Mary

I love my pension because it represents the value of my work in public education. -Becky M.Ā 

My pension gives me a future I can count on. -Courtney N.Ā 

My pension keeps me and my wife out of poverty in our retirement. We contribute to the tax base of our county, state, and country. We contribute to the local and state economies as well because we are able to purchase goods and services. We do not live wealthy lives, but by budgeting, we are able to live comfortably thanks to my pension. -Wolf E.Ā 

I love my pension!! It has provided me a chance to take care of my 37 year old daughter who has been diagnosed with multiple disabilities. She lives with me and sheā€™s a blessing to me. Iā€™m thankful for my pension. #lovemypension -Denise B.Ā 

I am so thankful for my pension because it allows me to have JOY in being with my family, help my neighbors, and have peace of mind! -Kathy F.Ā 

P.S. Itā€™s not too late to join the fun! Tell us why you love your pension by tagging us on Facebook or Twitter and using the hashtag #LoveMyPension.