November 1, 2017

Teachers Are Best Served by Traditional Pensions

The first public pension plan for teachers was established in Manhattan in 1894. In the 1910s, six states established teacher pension plans. More states followed suit and now the overwhelming majority of public school teachers in the United States participate in traditional defined benefit pension plans. These plans have successfully provided a secure and reliable retirement for teachers for decades. Despite their record of success, however, teacher pension plans are under attack nationwide.

November 1, 2017

Blame Amazon for America’s underfunded public pensions

You have to give Amazon credit. In a rare public auction, the retail giant promised up to 50,000 jobs at a second headquarters, or “HQ2,” and sat back while 238 cities and states tripped over each other to offer the most lucrative tax break packages. While most of the bids have yet to be disclosed, some are staggering, especially considering the same states have recently claimed they don’t have money for pensions, education, infrastructure, or other state priorities.

October 25, 2017

Report: Many Charter School Teachers Lack Retirement Security

Washington, DC – A report released today by the National Public Pension Coalition found that charter schools in certain states are not providing an adequate retirement for their teachers. When charter schools opt out of public pension plans, they instead force teachers into risky 401(k) plans or don’t offer a retirement plan at all. The report found, in all states studied, that charter school teachers would be better off if they were able to join the state’s pension plan.

October 20, 2017

A Week About Saving…But Are We?

Today ends the week known as National Retirement Security Week. Although the week started in 2006 as a week to raise awareness about the importance of saving for retirement, progress since then suggests the more apt title for the week should be National Retirement (In)Security Week. Many Americans have no savings at all for retirement, and those who do are likely to find themselves woefully unprepared financially for their golden years.

October 11, 2017

The Downside of Choice

Who doesn’t love choice? Chocolate or vanilla? Cheese or pepperoni? Boutique fitness studios have popped up everywhere so no matter what your preferred workout, you can have it. Lawmakers in some states like Michigan, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Indiana have co-opted our national love of choice as their preferred method to attack retirement security. Although a recent Gallup poll found that 51% of Americans would leave their current job for a position that offered a defined benefit pension, these politicians are pushing for choices that no one wants.